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of Kentucky


Powell Family Contacts

Here is a list of people active in the historical research of the Kentucky Powell Family from Jackson, Madison and Henry Counties.
Jim Powell at "JimPowel@ix.netcom.com" or website: "www.jimpowell.com"

Jim, from Henry County, is a video production specialist now living in Birmingham, Alabama        (205) 854-2999. He is the Son of Carroll, Son of Albert, Son of Abe, Son of Hudson, Son of Lovely Abraham Powell. Jim has produced a new 48 minute video about the Powell Family which includes stories, landmarks and the 1999 Powell Family Reunion at Big Hill.  Earlier in 1996, Jim also produced a short video with information about the Abe Powell and Nathan Powell migration from Madison and Jackson Counties. This video includes the 1996 Family Reunion of the Henry County relatives. For receiving a copy, contact Jim at (205) 854-2999.   For more information on the new program, go to

If you have information concerning any relative with connections to the Jackson And Madison County, Kentucky areas, please email Jim at "JimPowel@ix.netcom.com".

Maudean Neill at "maudean@sover.net"

Maudean from Mountpelier, VT is a professional genealogist not only researching our Powell Family, but also offering her services professionally to other families. She is a relative to the Henry County "clan" in this way. She is the Daughter Of Anna Ree Carson, Daughter of Clarence Carson, Son of Lizzie Rogers, Daughter of Felix Rogers, Son of Catherine Powell who was the Sister of Hudson Powell and

Daughter of Lovely Abraham Powell. She is seeking and distributing Powell information. She has a wealth of knowledge and has a tremendous amount of information including an interesting line back to England that is on the next page.

Kelli Allison at "SeaNymph@netunlimited.net"

Kelli is a descendant of Lafayette (Fayette) Powell, who was the Father of Lewis Irwin/Irvin Powell. Lafayette was the Son of Hudson Powell.  Leaf (Lafayette) Powell, Son of Abe Powell, was named for this man, his uncle.  Kelli is searching for information about what happened to Lafayette Powell, Son of Hudson. After he turned 22 or so and after marrying Margaret Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Rogers on May 9,1881, he disappeared. Anyone know? Please contact Kelli at "SeaNymph@netunlimited.net".

To find out more information about Henry County, Kentucky, home of many of the descendants of Hudson Powell, go to:


If you have a question about your descendants in the Powell Family, I’ll be happy to post that inquiry on this website. Please limit your inquiry to 25 words or less.

Email that information to "JimPowel@ix.netcom.com"