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Lovely Abraham Powell

SouthForkCreek.jpg (37774 bytes)      Lovely Abraham Powell carved out from the forest and brush a place along South Fork Creek in Jackson County in the 1820s.  Today that homestead has been taken back by the trees and brush.

     With the scarcity of level crop land, raising a family must have been tough, but it is easy to understand and visualize the boys and girls playing in the creek, climbing on the bluff and crawling into the small crevices and caves that overlooked the farm.

     It's most likely that Lovely built his home out of logs which were cut and shaped from the land. Many of the cabins in Kentucky were built of White Popular.

A cabin similar to Lovely Abraham Powell's can be seen at www.JimPowell.com/ArnoldFamily.htm


Lovely is buried at a location that overlooks the farmsite.  It's not known how many graves are at this site, however there are 5 standing stones forming a semi-circle.  It's thought that a stone now partially surrounded by a tree and which has a knotch in its side belongs to Lovely's grave.  See photo at right.

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